Close of play tomorrow is another deadline for objections and we urge those who have not objected and feel they want to, do it today or before 17:00 tomorrow. The planning team should accept objections up to the committee date but the 23rd is another admin point, they will acknowledge your objection.
- Be objective not subjective or it will be disregarded.
- Stick to planning issues, not views and depreciation.
- Evidence based objections are useful so back up your facts.
There is a small number of residents who have expressed interest in presenting at the planning committee hearing. We need to coordinate that response, if you wish to present to the committee then please contact us on
woodstone@hotmail.co.uk we can then coordinate our objection. If we receive no further requests then we will organise the presentation with the Town Planner we have hired without delay. If you do not want to speak publicly but have a skill set we can make use of then please get in touch.
What we do need is a show of support on the day of the hearing. I have it on good authority that this does help our case. So please watch this space as apprently we do not receive much notice. If you could sacrifice an afternoon then it would be greatly appreciated as it will show the Committee members how strongly Woodstone Village feel about this planning application.
Potential dates for the North Durham Planning Committe to sit are:-
- 31st May 2012 (Thursday)
- 28th June 2012 (Thursday)
So please make a tentative note in your diary.