How will interested
parties find out about the committee date?
A letter will be sent to all
those that have made representations on an application, and to the
agent/applicant to advise them of the date of the committee meeting.
When do interested
parties have to register to speak?
No later than noon on the last
working day prior to the committee.
Who do they register to
speak with?
Speakers will be required to register with the Planning Services Team dealing with the application.
How do interested parties
register to speak?
Requests may be made by
telephone, email or letter.
What happens if someone
wishes to speak at the meeting but has not registered to do so?
Anyone that turns up to speak
but has not registered, or wishes to register after the deadline will not be
allowed to address the meeting.
How long would
interested parties be allowed to speak for?
Each group of speakers
(objectors and supporters) will be allowed to speak for five minutes. If more
than one individual wishes to speak the time will be divided.
Would the same
procedures apply to all of the committees including the Strategic Planning Applications
Yes, all of the committees will
operate in the same way.
Will there be an
opportunity to speak for longer in contentious cases?
This will be at the discretion
of the chair and will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances. If additional
time is allowed the same amount of time must be made available to the opposing
party in the interests of equality.
What will happen if more
than one person would like to speak?
Speakers will be encouraged to
appoint a spokesperson.
What is the order of
The Parish/Town Council
representative will be invited to speak first followed by the objector(s) and
then the applicant or supporters.
Can supporters address
the committee where the application is recommended for approval and there are
no speakers against the proposal?
Yes, applicants/supporters will
be allowed the opportunity to address the committee regardless of the
recommendation and whether objectors have registered to speak.
Will the applications on which
there are speakers be brought forward to the beginning of the meeting?
Where there is a request to
speak applications will be brought forward to the beginning of the meeting in
the order on which they appear in the agenda.
Can the speaker ask
questions during their presentation?
Although the speakers may ask
questions during their presentation there is no obligation on Officers or
Members to respond.
Can the committee ask
the Speakers questions?
Members of the committee will be
allowed to ask the speakers questions to clarify specific points but this is
not used as an opportunity to allow further public speaking beyond the
prescribed time limits.
Can the speakers
circulate material at the meeting?
Photographs can be circulated at
the committee however a copy will need to be kept by the Council for the
application file. In order to ensure that each member of the committee is able
to view that information provided speakers will be required to provide one copy
for each member plus four additional copies by noon on the day before the
Can documents be
circulated at the meeting?
Speakers at the meeting cannot
circulate documents other than a written copy of their presentation. Can the speakers use the Council’s IT?
Speakers can use the Council’s IT systems however they must ensure that the necessary information is provided by noon on the day before the meeting in order that it can be uploaded onto the Council’s system and its content checked.
Can Speakers address the
meeting on items other than Planning applications?
Speakers will be allowed on
other matters with the exception of enforcement.
Can an interested party
ask for speaking rights on a delegated application?
request for public speaking will NOT transfer a delegated application to a
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