Friday, 1 June 2012

Update - Jubilee edition

  • We haven’t published much over the last couple of days as publicly things have been relatively quiet, however it has been pretty busy behind the scenes.
  • Our local branch of the Labour Party voted unanimously to oppose the Par Petroleum planning application, and to write to the planning authority, objecting to the development in the strongest possible terms. The branch also voted unanimously to write to the the Leader of Durham County Council, Cllr Simon Henig, and to the the Executive and General Management Committee of the Durham Constituency Labour Party, asking for their support in opposing the proposal.
  • If you objected by the 23rd May, you will have received an acknowledgement from the Head of Planning by now. Early indications are that the number of individual objections is substantial, 200+. They also cover a wide range of issues for consideration, which is helpful. Remember if you haven’t objected then the planning team should accept objections up to the Committee Hearing date.
  • Par Petroleum carried out further works on the land last week, the planning team have been informed of this.
  • We are planning a meeting with the Town Planner including a site visit over the next week or so.
  • Several of your neighbours, with detailed knowledge of planning issues have been working tirelessly to ensure every minute detail of the planning application has been satisfactorily addressed by  the Planning Team.
  • Please keep a tentative note in your Diary for Thursday 28th June 14:00. That is the date of the next planning meeting and this application could be on the agenda. Papers are usually released 5 days prior to the meeting. If you have objected you will recieve notice by mail. We need a show of strength at the hearing.

1 comment:

  1. Woodstone resident1 June 2012 at 08:53

    Check out the Daily Mail website. On 29th May 2012 fire and subsequent explosions at a paint factory near a residential estate in Rochdale. Terrifying photos.


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