Thursday, 24 November 2016


Town and Country Planning Act 1990

A new parking facility covering approximately 0.48ha in area, 0.3ha of which would comprise hard standing, south-west of the existing fuel distribution site to provide Perimeter Protection and Access Control.
Par Petroleum Par House Lumley Sixth Pit Woodstone Village Houghton-le-Spring

With reference to the above application in respect of the above development I can confirm that the application has now been withdrawn.

Monday, 21 November 2016


Dear all – thanks to all who have objected, for those who haven’t you need to get your objections in ideally by Wednesday as part of the “neighbours” consultation. 

Following further information released by Par Petroleum recently we have summarised some more key points below.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Wed 23 Nov 2016

Neighbour consultation deadline Wed 23rd Nov 2016

Objection letter:
We have had several queries around petitions and or template objection letters. It is thought that a considered and personal letter carries more weight than repetitive stock letters. You can object through the planning portal here.

Remember the council will only take into account 'material planning considerations' when looking at your comments. So no perceived depreciation of property value.

💡 Tips:

Monday, 7 November 2016

Here we go again

In 2012, Durham County Council Planning Committee REFUSED a planning application by Par Petroleum to extend their site into the green belt. The Committee voted OVERWHELMINGLY (7-1) against the application for the following reasons:
  • The application was not deemed to be a "very special circumstance" to warrant incursion into the greenbelt; and 
  • There was considered to be too much risk to the surrounding amenity due to the nature of their business  - flammable fuel storage and distribution.
Par Petroleum have this week submitted another planning application, which if successful will significantly increase the size of the site to enable overnight parking for fuel tankers. They again propose to build this extension in the green belt area and nearer to residential properties increasing the risk to local residents – the very reasons the application was refused in 2012 by our Local Councillors.